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Coffee 4 Craig

 A message from Risha Lancaster, co founder of Coffee 4 Craig.


"We are so grateful to have such amazing trust on board with us whose students, families and staff go above and beyond to help the homeless community in our city  This Christmas, in Covid conditions, you have raised about £1250 for us! (not counting the donations  received for the Christmas decorations at the Withington Co - op) This really helped us to stay open over Christmas to support our guests when temperatures went below zero. You should all be very proud of yourselves."


Here is a message from Frank Dowd,(local artist and C4C fundraiser) from Baubles 4 Beds:
"We are so very grateful to you all, especially during these harsh Lockdown times (we never thought of asking schools to fundraise, we were just happy with the decorations being made!) - your help has been truly  invaluable. You have helped us reach an amount that would have been very, very  difficult to achieve without your help. Your kindness will help change lives. Also, thank you for all the beautiful art work. I have been truly blown away! You really have done yourselves proud." 


Our Trust charity is 'Coffee 4 Craig', a charity that helps the homeless in Manchester

The story of Coffee 4 Craig

Craig White... 24/04/76 - 03/09/13 

Craig White was a son, an uncle, a brother and a father. He was the brother of Risha Lancaster and brother-in-law to Hendrix Lancaster the founders of Coffee4Craig Est 2013.


Craig was 37 when he passed away on the streets in his hometown of Cardiff. He died of a drug overdose after battling for years with a mental health illness. Within 3 days of his passing and knowing something had to be done, they decided to make a step into the unknown... What started as a simple call out on facebook for all their friends to buy a coffee for someone who is homeless, saying it was from Craig, quickly became a meal in Cardiff in his honour, then a food and coffee service in their home city of Manchester has now grown into a foodbank, 4 street kitchens over Cardiff and Manchester and they currently support over 200 people each week. 


Their volunteer team has exceeded 50 active, like minded souls each week working to improve the lives of the homeless community and with us working to house individuals on a 1-2-1 basis.

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