Parents Guide to SEND
Every child receives Quality First Teaching from their class teacher to ensure they make progress.
If your child is not making the expected progress, your child's teacher will talk to you about the support in place to get them back on track. We follow a plan, do review process.

Review Process
If your child is on the SEN list the teacher will have an SEN support plan for them. This is a working document for staff to record strategies and interventions used.
Targets will be shared with you termly. However, parents are welcome to contact the class teacher or inclusion team if you have any concerns.
Children will be removed from the SEN list when progress is made without needing additional support.
Education, Health & Care Plans​
A small number of children will require more significant, long term support. In these cases we will work with parents and outside agencies to apply for an Education, Health and Care Plan for your child. If granted this plan will provide support for your child, if needed until the age of 25. The plan will be reviewed at least once annually.
Interventions available at school
We have a range of interventions in school, which include in house and external interventions based on need. Some are programmes which can be run, some are resources or apps that can be used. Staff will speak to you about the interventions for your child.