Geography at Green End
and at our other Trust schools
The intent is to instill a sense of comprehensive understanding and knowledge about the UK, the world and its people. Lessons include the knowledge and the skills to understand the environmental, human and physical features of the earth and become global citizens, exploring their place in the world, their values and their responsibilities to people, the environment and the sustainability of the planet.
In EYFS, we explore our classroom, school and the local area. We make simple maps of familiar places, use lots of positional language and learn to tell the difference between litter and our natural environment.

Year 1
In year 1, we compare our local area with the city of Manchester, using simple fieldwork skills to study our school and the key physical features of our surroundings. We then follow the journey of a river from a stream to the sea and learn how pollution affects our local rivers.

Year 2
In year 2, we learn about UK coastlines and how they are affected by erosion and climate change. We then explore the Polar regions, comparing the differences between the Arctic and the Antarctic.

Year 3
In year 3, we compare the city of Manchester with the rural town of Castleton. We then visit Castleton to collect and analyse specific information about how land is used.
After that, we journey to India, using this remarkable country to study diverse landscapes, inequality and the religions that people practise.

Year 4
In year 4, we study some of the islands that can be found around the UK’s coastline, including the incredible Orkney. We explore OS maps, renewable energy and the effects of tourism. We travel Down Under, to learn about the Great Barrier Reef. In this unit, we learn about where the location is in relation to Manchester. We then study the huge variety of species found there and consider how humans negatively affect the reef.

Year 5
Before their residential trip in year 6, year 5 explore the Lake District. We look at some key physical features of the national park, learn about how the bodies of water were formed and discuss the pros and cons of tourism. We then delve beneath the Earth’s surface, studying how volcanoes are formed by tectonic plates. We learn about the positive and negative effects of an eruption and scour the globe for active and dormant volcanoes.

Year 6
In year 6, we study the evolution of Manchester and the importance of creating a sustainable city, fit for the future. We look at the effects of regeneration on our urban area and compare our city with life in the countryside. Finally, we learn about where we can find tropical rainforests. We study the huge importance of the rainforests, particularly the Amazon, and consider the threats that they face.
Year 6 went on a geography field trip and thought about the different land use in different locations such as residential, retail and leisure areas

Our school environment supports us in our learning. Around every corner, our geography learning is celebrated. We can find maps of our city and country in the classrooms, corridors and on the playground!